Of Solimar having a fever that we can NOT brake.
So basically what I have been doing these past 2 days is
taking care of my poor little baby. Tylenol every 4 hours and
Motrin every 6 hours and oh! yeah! Cy-Phen for the cough that if
not taken care of right away will turn into asthma attacks which
is every 12 hours. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
What I would do to have Hurricane Sol back instead of this helpless
little girl

So needles to say I have had a little monkey on my back, but darn it
is she a cute monkey or what?

I know! I know! Crappy picture but you get the point.
Now this is what I looked like when I picked up Angejolie from school

I have no shame in saying that I had to borrow one of her hats since I was not able to flat iron the hair and it was wild!!! Her
teachers must have thought I lost my ever loving mind with that look ;D
Ok, so enough with the pity party, here is a little layout I did.

This is my favorite picture of Angejolie when she was little. I still remember
that day as if it were yesterday. We took her to New Port Beach which I have been
going to since I was 13... we all know that is a loooooong time ago LOL
I remember her just sitting there quietly, enjoying the sun, sand and sound of the ocean and playing with the sand. Gosh! I get so sad when I think of how fast time
is passing.
Well that's it for now, the tribe is sleeping and I am off for some therapy,
yep! scrapbooking is my therapy, my alcohol, my chocolate, you get the point.
Have a great night!