I used some old papers that I have been sitting on but truth be told, my girls don't care how old the papers are, all they care about is their pages and the stories behind them.

A place for family and friends to see what's going on with my life and my creative MOJO.
This is a page is of my Soli when she had just turned 3, she went through a faze where she had to wear that cat mask all day and all night long. There was no one who could tell her to take it off : ) I do want to say that I am sorry for having been a baaaaad blogging lover, for not stopping by you blogs and leaving you some love BUT life has been tough these past few month BUT in 2011 I REFUSE to let life bring me down : )
Here's to a kick @$$ 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you for stopping by after I have been M.I.A. for so long : )
Well ladies, this is where I say adios and as always...THANK you for your sweet comments! I now leave you with some pictures of my weekend.....
TamTam and I felt we earned the right to lay on a crop table for our picture since it was 3:00 am and we were the only 2 left : )
Our first family monthly picture, I look a hot mess but it's cool!!! I can't wait to scrap this picture : )
The kids gaving a blast in the pool.
I have been packing, trying to clean this so that we can turn our new house into our new home and let me tell you that it has NOT been easy but it will get done in time. The girls are super excited to finally have a house with a pool especially since it is hot as all hell here : )
So on Monday it was my turn to do a layout for our CHALLENGE AT THE PAPER NICHE and it was about glimmermisting.
This is what I was able to pull off in 1 day between all that packing :D :D :D I found some AC left over scraps and I used my T!M Holtz masks, so if you up for a challenge and want a neat prize please do join us : )
I also managed to do a layout which has taken me one whole week because I would touch it for 5 minutes and have to walk away to do something, touch it for 7 minutes and once again have to walk away because THIS GIRL challenged me to do a boy layout. Can we say challenge of the year???????? But I gave it my all and this is what I got.
This is a page of our daughter and her partner in crime (her cousin) they are 4 months apart and boy oh boy are they a hand full. the journaling will be on the blue tag under their picture.
The flowers and button are left overs from my JUNE KIT
I had to paint and ink my ribbons. I also traced this little boy and little girls from an old OA die cut and then embossed them. BTW this page is as busy as these two are ; )
Well...this is where I say ADIOS ladies and I am so sorry I have not been by your blogs to show you some love but I swear that as soon as this place is 1/2 way decent I will be loving on your stuff like it's no body's business!!!! As always THANK you for your sweet comments, you all know how much I love them and how much they make my day : ) and I apologize for the crazy looking post.