and our scrap room was on that second floor with the most beautiful view. She had these goodies waiting or us on our tables, though you can not see it, that bag was full full full of yumyness!!!
I got to room with MY SCRAPBOOKING GURU who by the way made this the greatest mini trip ever, she made sure I did not do the ugly cry too many times by making me laugh every chance she got since this was my first time ever away from my family. I also got to hang with the lovely Sharon and met some wonderful ladies which I know I will scrapping with at Damaris' next crop.
Alma has got to be one of the funniest ladies ever, she had us laughing so hard, me, LaVerne and the lovely Sharon which by the way will be having her first little girl in January, I also met Ana which cracked me the hell up, we took a picture together but her eyes were shut and I will NOT post a rough looking picture because I would not like it if someone did that to me.
Here are 5 out of the 10 layouts I did, some might say "only 10? Remember that I was hanging out with fabulous ladies and there was lots of chit chatting and laughing and eating but not much sleeping.
This one is my new FAVE!!!
This is what my house looks like on any given day, messy BUT never dirty : )
I made the layout look all sorts of crazy because that's how my life is but I would not have it any other way.
This was us yesterday, see that cute apron I am wearing, Damaris' mom made one for all of us with our initials on the sweet is she????
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at what I bought myself (I snatched this picture from her blog too)
I will never ever again use a stapler, this bad boy will staple over chip board, what's up with that?
Anyhoot ladies, sorry for the long post but I had to share this with you : )
As always THANK YOU for your sweet comments, have a great week!
Oh man! I almost forgot...I have to give props to my husband, he stayed home with the girls, took them to not 1 but 2 birthday parties on Saturday and not once did he complain about me going away, I have to say that I have the greatest husband and our girls have the greatest Daddy in the world. Now, i will NOT mention the poor choice in clothes he had but he still ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
daaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnggggg, girl!!! that IS scrapping in style! it! And you look as good as ever! I thought you were too homesick and searching for your mojo while you were over there! I think you jest! Those projects rock, sweetcheeks! :D
Glad you had a great weekend!
Thanks for becoming a dirty girl! heee
your hubs ---->> a total keeper. and the photo of the hotel, looks like magic land!
LOL, still laughing about the clothes comment, same here! My hubby graciously takes over taking the kids to school sometimes so I can sleep in for once, and oh horror when I go and pick them up LOL... I mean, is it so hard to find a matching outfit????? Still it's awfully nice of our men isn't it ... let's keep them LOL.
Beautiful LO's, and you'll never hear me say ... only 10! I would probably be chatting so much I would be happy just to finish one LOL.
xxx Peggy
It looks like you had a great time! Look at all those awesome creations!!!! What a great Hubby!!!! Wishing you a Fantastic week!!!!
I'm soooo jealous :( I wish I could have went haha!!! Love all the layouts and pics!!!
And yes, your hubby is a TOTAL keeper!!!!
It was so wonderful meeting you this weekend. Hopefully soon we can scrap together. We were having too much fun laughing to worry about how many pages we were doing :)
Hey "Miss 10 pages"!!!! I had so much fun with you last weekend...u inspired me, woman! Sorry I totally tried to kill your mojo with my preschool books, teehee. Can u imagine what you would have accomplished if it weren't for all those pink sticky tabs staring u in the face! We definitely have to do it again...with me scrapping (maybe). I'm trying to get my booty rolling over here. I'm working on the Point. Blank. Period Challenge...but 8 1/2 x 11?!...psh...I might have to just bump that. u know that's not enough space for all my layering ;) umm, u better be charging your new Ott light right about now...
I love your pages and what a treat to be able to scrap in that beautiful place along with friends!
Sounds like an amazing weekend - glad you got to have that experience! And your layouts look fabulous!
Loved all the layouts like always, you rocked them all. I'm still trying to catch up organizing all the stuff I packed to go there, and uploading my pictures to do a little blog post....I was so exhausted when I got home, the next day I was like a pancake, flat on my bed most of the day...could not move a feet were still swollen, so I just relaxed all day. Today I went to two Michael's and had no luck finding that OTT lamp :( I'm going to continue my search tomorrow. It was definitely a fun weekend even though I chatted most of the time and got very little done LOL. We gotta do it again :)
Big hug!
Girl that stapler is like BUTTAH and I cannot find one ... IMa have to order it .. you know what Ima check Amazon .. DUH.
Girl love the pics and that is a beautiful spot to kick it and no kids .. did yall streak?? dont front. wait did I spell that right LOL.
love the LO's too .. and THANK YOU..for getting me ..
i always giggle when i visit you here!!! love the layouts you did and i soooo wish i could go on a retreat like that! yay hubby...that is a major have a right to be proud dear! he he...yes, i've told my carful bout mixing different reds...THAT red DOES NOT...go with THAT red...just choose a different color shirt, okay? he he! i let him walk out the door with some other outfits...but i WAS NOT having him look a fool in different reds especially when he was going out WITH ME! ha ha!
WOW- I'm so jealous!!
LOVE the LOs, especially the "amor" one!
What a get-away! Glad you had such a great time! Love your projects...10 is an impressive number to have completed! Girls, food, fun AND 10 LOs...amazing!!! Give you hubby a big thumbs up for me! I think you should keep him! :)
I finally got my OTT light! (after visiting 4 Michael's I got the LAST one in the store! LOL)
Girl!!! I am so jealous! I wish I could have come! Looks like you guys had fun! Okay...what kind of stapler is THAT? I want one, too. You know you be rockin' them LOs. Your hubby hooked the girls up taking them to 2 b-day parties. My husband would have rather used that stapler on himself than take our kids to a b-day party let alone 2. Have a great weekend.
Ce qui est à la fois extraordinaire
et décevant d'internet, c'est qu'on peut espionner les gens.
C'est pourquoi je ne suis pas inscrite nulle part!!
Mais quel joie j'ai eu lorsque ma soeur m'a dit qu'elle avait retracé ton frère sur facebook et qu'elle me la montré.
Je t'ai tout de suite reconnue parmis ses amis, tu n'as tellement
pas changé, toujours aussi belle!
Mais c'est quoi ton truc pour ne pas vieillr???
Jamais je ne t'aurais retrouvée, tu n'as même pas le même nom!!!
J'ai fais quelque recherche et je suis tombé par bonheur sur ce site
ce qui m'a permis de découvrir ta belle petite famille; Félicitation
elle est très jolie.
J'ai beaucoup hésiter avant de t'écrire(je ne suis pas du genre à réveiller les vieux fantômes)mais je n'ai pû m'empêcher de le faire!!
Si tu veux des nouvelles tu n'as qu'a m'écrire.
J'adore le scrapbooking, mais par manque de temps je n'ai pas beaucoup d'expérience, tu pourrais peut-être me donner quelques conseils!!!
A + peut-être.
Nathalie Brousseau xxx
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