Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Friday

Thank GOD it's Friday!

And it only means 1 thing.....

14 hours of uninterrupted scrapbooking at Scrapbook Central with my sister in law Amanda and our buddy Tamrod.

No "Mommy can I get this, Mommy she is pulling my hair, mommy Daddy said no, agua ice, Mommy Mommy Mommyyyyyyyy"

I am all packed up and ready to spend a day of fun and Dunkin Donuts iced coffee overdose.

Ok, what happened to my baby Angel, she no longer cares for Disney Princess stuff, it's now all about Hannah Montana, Camp Rock and High School Musical and the sad thing is that the little one is following her foot steps, everything her big sis does she does, everything she watches she watches. A few weeks ago we got Angejolie her Hannah Montana bead spread because Princesses were no longer cool, check out how surprised she was and then look at what Solimar was wearing.

Photobucket Photobucket


Yep! A Hannah Montana dress, it's actually Angejolie's shirt but she insisted on wearing it and refused to take it off. I know which battles to fight, and that one my friends is NOT one worth my energy ;D

So here is another Christmas layout I did, La Verne's gift is the gift that keeps on giving, I still have lots of stuff left to use, this layout is of our girls and all their cousins, Yep! my and my 3 sisters in law drank from the same water and had all our kids around the same time LOL. Actually it was not planned at all, God just does things for unknown reasons.


Sorry about the uncropped photo : ( Hope you like it anyways. : )

This is the layout that inspired me to do this page

I know, it looks nothing like it but that is what got my mojo juices going.

Alrighty then I am off to rest because I am going to need all the energy I can get to scrap my @$$ off tomorrow. I am so excited. Until the next time.... have a great night!


laverneboese said...

Oh Maryangella, I'm so jealous. I just couldn't swing it...hubby needs me to help out around the house and he has to work this weekend :( So your little girlies are growing up, aye? Yeah, my youngest has hit a "cool" streak where he only wants to wear Pokemon shirts...very annoying. I'm so glad you're enjoying the paper. You're really cranking out some awesome layouts! Take pictures of you and the girls and post some layouts on your bloggy-blog :)

TamRod said...

I love the LO. You should take a pic like that every year. It will be nice to see the kids' changes from year to year.